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Journal of chemical engineerin ...- /Volume 42 (2009) insert receivable.- /- Article review

- Teruoki tago division of chemical process engineering, hokkaido university

- Mariko sakamoto, department of chemical process engineering, hokkaido university

- Kazuyuki iwakai, department of chemical engineering processes, hokkaido university

- Hirotomo nishihara institute for interdisciplinary advanced materials research, tohoku university

- Shin r. Mukai, department of chemical processes, hokkaido university

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- Tsunehiro tanaka, department of molecular engineering, kyoto university

- Takao masuda, department of chemical processes, hokkaido university


2009, volume 42, evaluation sheet for creation. Pages s162-s167

- Published: december 30, 2009 received: july 15, 2008 real j-stage: december cracking websites 30, 2009 accepted: may 19, 2009 preliminary online publication: - fixed: -

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- Abstractlinks (7)contents from such authorsquoted from (17)

The selective deactivation of acid sites located near the outer walls of the zeolite was studied . Silane catalytic cracking (ccs). By means of ir fourier analysis, the types of adsorption of silane compounds on the acid sites of the zeolite during the calcination period were well analyzed. Also, the effect of types of silane compounds on changes in the properties of the zeolite, including the amount of adsorbed ammonia and benzene in the zeolite, was investigated before and after the ccs treatment. The ccs method using diphenylmethylsilane (dpm-silane) proved to be effective for the deactivation of acid sites located near the outer walls of the zsm-5 zeolite. Synthesis of olefins from acetone was carried out using zsm-5 zeolite catalysts. Zeolite zsm-5 after ccs pest control with dpmsilane showed high selectivity for olefins, but also low selectivity for aromatic compounds.

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